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/// Creates a function used by some division algorithms to compute the "normalization shift".
macro_rules! impl_normalization_shift {
$name:ident, // name of the normalization shift function
// boolean for if `$uX::leading_zeros` should be used (if an architecture does not have a
// hardware instruction for `usize::leading_zeros`, then this should be `true`)
$n:tt, // the number of bits in a $iX or $uX
$uX:ident, // unsigned integer type for the inputs of `$name`
$iX:ident, // signed integer type for the inputs of `$name`
$($unsigned_attr:meta),* // attributes for the function
) => {
/// Finds the shift left that the divisor `div` would need to be normalized for a binary
/// long division step with the dividend `duo`. NOTE: This function assumes that these edge
/// cases have been handled before reaching it:
/// `
/// if div == 0 {
/// panic!("attempt to divide by zero")
/// }
/// if duo < div {
/// return (0, duo)
/// }
/// `
/// Normalization is defined as (where `shl` is the output of this function):
/// `
/// if duo.leading_zeros() != (div << shl).leading_zeros() {
/// // If the most significant bits of `duo` and `div << shl` are not in the same place,
/// // then `div << shl` has one more leading zero than `duo`.
/// assert_eq!(duo.leading_zeros() + 1, (div << shl).leading_zeros());
/// // Also, `2*(div << shl)` is not more than `duo` (otherwise the first division step
/// // would not be able to clear the msb of `duo`)
/// assert!(duo < (div << (shl + 1)));
/// }
/// if full_normalization {
/// // Some algorithms do not need "full" normalization, which means that `duo` is
/// // larger than `div << shl` when the most significant bits are aligned.
/// assert!((div << shl) <= duo);
/// }
/// `
/// Note: If the software bisection algorithm is being used in this function, it happens
/// that full normalization always occurs, so be careful that new algorithms are not
/// invisibly depending on this invariant when `full_normalization` is set to `false`.
fn $name(duo: $uX, div: $uX, full_normalization: bool) -> usize {
// We have to find the leading zeros of `div` to know where its msb (most significant
// set bit) is to even begin binary long division. It is also good to know where the msb
// of `duo` is so that useful work can be started instead of shifting `div` for all
// possible quotients (many division steps are wasted if `duo.leading_zeros()` is large
// and `div` starts out being shifted all the way to the msb). Aligning the msbs of
// `div` and `duo` could be done by shifting `div` left by
// `div.leading_zeros() - duo.leading_zeros()`, but some CPUs without division hardware
// also do not have single instructions for calculating `leading_zeros`. Instead of
// software doing two bisections to find the two `leading_zeros`, we do one bisection to
// find `div.leading_zeros() - duo.leading_zeros()` without actually knowing either of
// the leading zeros values.
let mut shl: usize;
if $use_lz {
shl = (div.leading_zeros() - duo.leading_zeros()) as usize;
if full_normalization {
if duo < (div << shl) {
// when the msb of `duo` and `div` are aligned, the resulting `div` may be
// larger than `duo`, so we decrease the shift by 1.
shl -= 1;
} else {
let mut test = duo;
shl = 0usize;
let mut lvl = $n >> 1;
loop {
let tmp = test >> lvl;
// It happens that a final `duo < (div << shl)` check is not needed, because the
// `div <= tmp` check insures that the msb of `test` never passes the msb of
// `div`, and any set bits shifted off the end of `test` would still keep
// `div <= tmp` true.
if div <= tmp {
test = tmp;
shl += lvl;
// narrow down bisection
lvl >>= 1;
if lvl == 0 {
// tests the invariants that should hold before beginning binary long division
if full_normalization {
assert!((div << shl) <= duo);
if duo.leading_zeros() != (div << shl).leading_zeros() {
assert_eq!(duo.leading_zeros() + 1, (div << shl).leading_zeros());
assert!(duo < (div << (shl + 1)));