pub unsafe trait TrustedRandomAccess: TrustedRandomAccessNoCoerce { }
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (trusted_random_access)
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An iterator whose items are random-accessible efficiently


The iterator’s size_hint must be exact and cheap to call.

TrustedRandomAccessNoCoerce::size may not be overridden.

All subtypes and all supertypes of Self must also implement TrustedRandomAccess. In particular, this means that types with non-invariant parameters usually can not have an impl for TrustedRandomAccess that depends on any trait bounds on such parameters, except for bounds that come from the respective struct/enum definition itself, or bounds involving traits that themselves come with a guarantee similar to this one.

If Self: ExactSizeIterator then self.len() must always produce results consistent with self.size().

If Self: Iterator, then <Self as Iterator>::__iterator_get_unchecked(&mut self, idx) must be safe to call provided the following conditions are met.

  1. 0 <= idx and idx < self.size().
  2. If Self: !Clone, then self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx) is never called with the same index on self more than once.
  3. After self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx) has been called, then self.next_back() will only be called at most self.size() - idx - 1 times. If Self: Clone and self is cloned, then this number is calculated for self and its clone individually, but self.next_back() calls that happened before the cloning count for both self and the clone.
  4. After self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx) has been called, then only the following methods will be called on self or on any new clones of self:
    • std::clone::Clone::clone
    • std::iter::Iterator::size_hint
    • std::iter::DoubleEndedIterator::next_back
    • std::iter::ExactSizeIterator::len
    • std::iter::Iterator::__iterator_get_unchecked
    • std::iter::TrustedRandomAccessNoCoerce::size
  5. If T is a subtype of Self, then self is allowed to be coerced to T. If self is coerced to T after self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx) has already been called, then no methods except for the ones listed under 4. are allowed to be called on the resulting value of type T, either. Multiple such coercion steps are allowed. Regarding 2. and 3., the number of times __iterator_get_unchecked(idx) or next_back() is called on self and the resulting value of type T (and on further coercion results with sub-subtypes) are added together and their sums must not exceed the specified bounds.

Further, given that these conditions are met, it must guarantee that:

  • It does not change the value returned from size_hint
  • It must be safe to call the methods listed above on self after calling self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx), assuming that the required traits are implemented.
  • It must also be safe to drop self after calling self.__iterator_get_unchecked(idx).
  • If T is a subtype of Self, then it must be safe to coerce self to T.
