Module std::io::stdio

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  • A handle to the standard error stream of a process.
  • A locked reference to the Stderr handle.
  • StderrRaw 🔒
    A handle to a raw instance of the standard output stream of this process.
  • A handle to the standard input stream of a process.
  • A locked reference to the Stdin handle.
  • StdinRaw 🔒
    A handle to a raw instance of the standard input stream of this process.
  • A handle to the global standard output stream of the current process.
  • A locked reference to the Stdout handle.
  • StdoutRaw 🔒
    A handle to a raw instance of the standard output stream of this process.


  • Used by the test crate to capture the output of the print macros and panics.



  • Trait to determine if a descriptor/handle refers to a terminal/tty.


  • _eprintExperimental
  • _printExperimental
  • Used by impl Termination for Result to print error after main or a test has returned. Should avoid panicking, although we can’t help it if one of the Display impls inside args decides to.
  • print_to 🔒
    Write args to the capture buffer if enabled and possible, or global_s otherwise. label identifies the stream in a panic message.
  • set_output_captureExperimental
    Sets the thread-local output capture buffer and returns the old one.
  • stderr_raw 🔒 Experimental
    Constructs a new raw handle to the standard error stream of this process.
  • stdin_raw 🔒 Experimental
    Constructs a new raw handle to the standard input of this process.
  • stdout_raw 🔒 Experimental
    Constructs a new raw handle to the standard output stream of this process.
  • Constructs a new handle to the standard error of the current process.
  • Constructs a new handle to the standard input of the current process.
  • Constructs a new handle to the standard output of the current process.

Type Definitions