Module std::io::error::repr_bitpacked

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This is a densely packed error representation which is used on targets with 64-bit pointers.

(Note that bitpacked vs unpacked here has no relationship to #[repr(packed)], it just refers to attempting to use any available bits in a more clever manner than rustc’s default layout algorithm would).

Conceptually, it stores the same data as the “unpacked” equivalent we use on other targets. Specifically, you can imagine it as an optimized version of the following enum (which is roughly equivalent to what’s stored by repr_unpacked::Repr, e.g. super::ErrorData<Box<Custom>>):

enum ErrorData {
   SimpleMessage(&'static SimpleMessage),

However, it packs this data into a 64bit non-zero value.

This optimization not only allows io::Error to occupy a single pointer, but improves io::Result as well, especially for situations like io::Result<()> (which is now 64 bits) or io::Result<u64> (which is now 128 bits), which are quite common.


Tagged values are 64 bits, with the 2 least significant bits used for the tag. This means there are there are 4 “variants”:

  • Tag 0b00: The first variant is equivalent to ErrorData::SimpleMessage, and holds a &'static SimpleMessage directly.

    SimpleMessage has an alignment >= 4 (which is requested with #[repr(align)] and checked statically at the bottom of this file), which means every &'static SimpleMessage should have the both tag bits as 0, meaning its tagged and untagged representation are equivalent.

    This means we can skip tagging it, which is necessary as this variant can be constructed from a const fn, which probably cannot tag pointers (or at least it would be difficult).

  • Tag 0b01: The other pointer variant holds the data for ErrorData::Custom and the remaining 62 bits are used to store a Box<Custom>. Custom also has alignment >= 4, so the bottom two bits are free to use for the tag.

    The only important thing to note is that ptr::wrapping_add and ptr::wrapping_sub are used to tag the pointer, rather than bitwise operations. This should preserve the pointer’s provenance, which would otherwise be lost.

  • Tag 0b10: Holds the data for ErrorData::Os(i32). We store the i32 in the pointer’s most significant 32 bits, and don’t use the bits 2..32 for anything. Using the top 32 bits is just to let us easily recover the i32 code with the correct sign.

  • Tag 0b11: Holds the data for ErrorData::Simple(ErrorKind). This stores the ErrorKind in the top 32 bits as well, although it doesn’t occupy nearly that many. Most of the bits are unused here, but it’s not like we need them for anything else yet.

Use of NonNull<()>

Everything is stored in a NonNull<()>, which is odd, but actually serves a purpose.

Conceptually you might think of this more like:

union Repr {
    // holds integer (Simple/Os) variants, and
    // provides access to the tag bits.
    bits: NonZeroU64,
    // Tag is 0, so this is stored untagged.
    msg: &'static SimpleMessage,
    // Tagged (offset) `Box<Custom>` pointer.
    tagged_custom: NonNull<()>,

But there are a few problems with this:

  1. Union access is equivalent to a transmute, so this representation would require we transmute between integers and pointers in at least one direction, which may be UB (and even if not, it is likely harder for a compiler to reason about than explicit ptr->int operations).

  2. Even if all fields of a union have a niche, the union itself doesn’t, although this may change in the future. This would make things like io::Result<()> and io::Result<usize> larger, which defeats part of the motivation of this bitpacking.

Storing everything in a NonZeroUsize (or some other integer) would be a bit more traditional for pointer tagging, but it would lose provenance information, couldn’t be constructed from a const fn, and would probably run into other issues as well.

The NonNull<()> seems like the only alternative, even if it’s fairly odd to use a pointer type to store something that may hold an integer, some of the time.



  • Repr 🔒
    The internal representation.

