macro_rules! uint_impl {
        Self = $SelfT:ty,
        ActualT = $ActualT:ident,
        SignedT = $SignedT:ident,
        NonZeroT = $NonZeroT:ident,

        // There are all for use *only* in doc comments.
        // As such, they're all passed as literals -- passing them as a string
        // literal is fine if they need to be multiple code tokens.
        // In non-comments, use the associated constants rather than these.
        BITS = $BITS:literal,
        MAX = $MaxV:literal,
        rot = $rot:literal,
        rot_op = $rot_op:literal,
        rot_result = $rot_result:literal,
        swap_op = $swap_op:literal,
        swapped = $swapped:literal,
        reversed = $reversed:literal,
        le_bytes = $le_bytes:literal,
        be_bytes = $be_bytes:literal,
        to_xe_bytes_doc = $to_xe_bytes_doc:expr,
        from_xe_bytes_doc = $from_xe_bytes_doc:expr,
        bound_condition = $bound_condition:literal,
    ) => { ... };