Function core::array::drain::drain_array_with

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pub(crate) fn drain_array_with<T, R, const N: usize>(
    array: [T; N],
    func: impl for<'a> FnOnce(Drain<'a, T>) -> R
) -> R
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A situationally-optimized version of array.into_iter().for_each(func).

crate::array::IntoIters are great when you need an owned iterator, but storing the entire array inside the iterator like that can sometimes pessimize code. Notable, it can be more bytes than you really want to move around, and because the array accesses index into it SRoA has a harder time optimizing away the type than it does iterators that just hold a couple pointers.

Thus this function exists, which gives a way to get moved access to the elements of an array using a small iterator – no bigger than a slice iterator.

The function-taking-a-closure structure makes it safe, as it keeps callers from looking at already-dropped elements.