Module core::ops::range

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  • A (half-open) range bounded inclusively below and exclusively above (start..end).
  • A range only bounded inclusively below (start..).
  • An unbounded range (..).
  • A range bounded inclusively below and above (start..=end).
  • A range only bounded exclusively above (..end).
  • A range only bounded inclusively above (..=end).


  • An endpoint of a range of keys.


  • OneSidedRangeExperimental
    OneSidedRange is implemented for built-in range types that are unbounded on one side. For example, a.., ..b and ..=c implement OneSidedRange, but .., d..e, and f..=g do not.
  • RangeBounds is implemented by Rust’s built-in range types, produced by range syntax like .., a.., ..b, ..=c, d..e, or f..=g.